What people are saying…

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"Christa was my doula when I gave birth to my daughter. She was the best support I could have had, a rock and a constant soothing presence. She is exceptionally nurturing and intuitive, and knows what a person needs when they are experiencing this amazing and formidable life experience. I would highly recommend her as a doula, or in any kind of position that requires personal advocacy and a mix of earthly and divine support." -Amber A.


“Christa was with me for the birth journey my eldest daughter Ivy, who arrived 10 days late. She helped me navigate these days in waiting when I felt frustrated and tired, and gently tended to my emotions. During labour Christa supported me and my husband. I truly believe Christa's gentle touch, positioning suggestions and energy work helped my daughter change positions from OP to OA which allowed me to birth her vaginally. I had a retained placenta and post partum hemorrhage and it was in these moments that I could not imagine what my experience without Christa would have been. She helped advocate for me and she held me during some of the scariest moments of my life while my husband held our daughter skin-to-skin. She supported me to breastfeed when I had no strength to latch or hold my baby in position. She was also a huge rock for my husband, standing alongside him to provide the care I needed that was not necessarily intuitive for him.

My post partum care was exceptional. She nourished me with oatmeal, bone broth and other nourishing foods appropriate to a post-partum mama, and facilitated lots of time to rest with and without my babe in arms.

I had the pleasure of experiencing my second pregnancy alongside Christa’s. I picked up so many ideas and suggestions from her both from afar and when we were able to travel to be together. Unfortunately, she was not at my second daughter's birth, but only because she was also giving birth! I feel so blessed to have this magic maker in my life to open my mind and heart to things seen and unseen.

As a mother and a Labour and Delivery nurse I cannot recommend Christa strongly enough. If you feel that there is magic that you are not tapping into and you want to play in the mystical part of pregnancy and birth, Christa is the woman you want walking this journey with you.” -Nancy M.


”I’ve known Christa for the last seven years. Her radical spirit of hospitality, her wild generosity of invitation and presence, and her deep commitment to nurturing relationships has allowed me the privilege of entering into a sister-like bond with her. It is through a wide array of shared experiences that I can confidently vouch for Christa as a reliable, compassionate, and knowledgeable doula. Most notably, I had the pleasure of attending alongside Christa a weekend-long birth workshop led by her mentor Whapio. I was particularly impressed by the way that Whapio guided mothers and birth practitioners to weave high level understanding of anatomy and physiology with ancient knowledge around the ritual of birth, always centering the mother and baby in the birth process. The integration of these two systems (modern/scientific and ancient/spiritual) is very apparent in Christa’s holistic approach to birth, and I would recommend expecting mothers and couples who seek a caring experienced advocate to reach out for her services.” -Georgia J.


“Christa is the beautiful combination of intelligence and kindness. She supported us every step of the way: from early stages, through challenging medical visits, being there during the labour at my home, then being my hand to squeeze while my husband navigated a raging blizzard en route to hospital. I felt 100% heard when I spoke, and was always responded to with the utmost respect and thoughtfulness.

Christa was also planning to travel for the birth of my second child 2.5 years later, however, my daughter decided to arrive 2 months early. It just so happened that she was in Calgary for a wedding at that time. Christa stepped up and supported us with meals, meaningful and heartfelt conversations and gathering supplies for our time spent at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. So grateful to have her with us on our journey to meet both our babies.” -Lisa E.

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“Bringing a child into this world is no small matter. Carrying a child in pregnancy and giving birth remains one of the most miraculous, mysterious, beautiful, demanding events in a woman’s life. Rarely does a woman embark on such a journey without guidance. The birth doula has traditionally been someone who a woman could lean on for deep guidance during her pregnancy, labouring and birthing. In these days of advanced medical technology, one can easily lose access to the old time wisdom of the doula while receiving the most sophisticated and specialized attention. Whether you plan to give birth at home or in a hospital room, nothing can replace the presence and guidance of a knowledgeable doula. You want someone who honours birth, who honours women’s health, strengths and vulnerabilities, and who is sensitive and attentive to the needs of the new life coming into the world. Christa Morin is one such person. Deeply devoted to caring for life, acutely sensitive and attuned to the requirements of the moment, offering the gentlest touch while remaining solidly grounded, Christa can be faithfully relied on to accompany you on one of life's most precious journeys.”

-Rachelle L.

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You were never meant to do this alone.

Be in touch to see if we are a good fit for your amazing journey.